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This page is to help provide information about the relatively rare, yet made famous by "The Longest Day" subject of Military Decoy Paratrooper Dummies (Paradummies).

American Test Paradummies
These were developed by the U.S. Navy and tested at Chesapeake Bay in 1943. These never went beyond the testing phase due to poor test performance. These little 18" tall "Oscars" never made it out to war.

These paradummies contributed to the top secret paradummy development effort which resulted in much better generations of paradummies to follow, which were used in combat zones in WWII.

Legend has it that actor Douglas Fairbanks Jr. had a hand in the design and development of these paradummies. Fairbanks joined the Navy shortly after Pearl Harbor and was assigned to the Navy's Deception Unit. Fairbanks was asked to help develop ways to fool the enemy with various deception tricks - which the military hoped he could help with due to his knowledge of Hollywood special effects.

Side View
Back View
Plywood Syle Footlocker #1
This footlocker seems to be a more reinforced version of the other plywood footlocker shown on this page. Having the thinner side handles, lifting it can be difficult, however when shipping, there is less wasted space between footlockers. All corners and edges have metal strapping riveted. Along with the metal edges, the clasps to keep it closed the make the footlocker a much sturdier box when shipping.
Thin Handle
Plywood Syle Footlocker #2
This example seems to be one a common footlocker of the US Army. The corners are reinforced with three straps of metal on each corner and thicker handles. This style is lacking a full metal strip of metal on each of the sides compared to the other plywood style footlocker.
One Of The Straps Of Metal On A Corner
Lock Clasp
Footlocker Tray
This shows how the footlocker tray looks inside. Each side has two finger holes and has a wooden divider in the middle. Like the plywood footlocker, it has metal bands riveted around the corners.

To keep with the theme, WWII type reproduction footlockers will be in displays and events. They can be purchased from a member of our unit, Harry Hardin who has done an outstanding job researching and reproducing these items at a low cost to the reenactor.

502nd PIR - 101st Airborne Division
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